Cedar Spring Baptist Church
1836 Highway 283
Plum Branch, South Carolina 29845
Email: cedarspring1873@aol.com
Phone: 864-443-5573

"Every man according: as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 KJV
We thank you for your financial giving to the Cedar Spring Baptist Church.
Donations can be mailed to the church!
Mailing Address
Cedar Spring Baptist Church
P. O. Box 88
Plum Branch, SC 29845
Other Options:
Give by using your Zelle Account to our Zelle Account
We are striving to bring the best avenues for giving and tithing for our Church Members and any Guest that want to give
Give back by Volunteering. We have Ministries and Events that could use your talents and gifts. Please see Pastor or any of the Deacons to serve and volunteer.
Going forward will have plenty of events and causes for Ministries, Youth, & Seniors where we will solicit your help. Please leave us an email on or Contact Page and will follow up with you.
We Have The Perfect Ministry For You!
As we prayerfully act upon God's mission of kingdom building, we thank you for your financial giving to the Cedar Spring Baptist Church.